Looking for jewelry stores in Montreal, Canada? Visit one of these boutiques located in Quebec and Ontario, including our Studio/Boutique in the Saint-Henri neighborhood, Montreal, to shop our Montreal-made jewelry in person.
Contact these jewelry stores directly for information on availability.
Please contact us if you wish to sell our unique jewelry in your store.
Galerie LolyMontreal, Quebec H2C 1R3 (514) 381-9509 |
Espace Flo312 Fleury st W Montréal, QC H3L 1V3 (514) 379-6160 |
Articho300 Villeray st Montreal, Quebec, H2R 1G7 (514) 508-5885 |
Mon Shack au Québec161 Rue Saint-Paul E, Montréal, QC H2Y 1G8 |
Belle + Rebelle6583A St-Hubert st Montréal, QC H2H 1J2 (514) 315-4903 |
Arts Court(May to October)166 Saint-Amable st Montréal, QC H2Y 1E8 |
Ruby Mardi208 Saint-Zotique st E Montreal, Quebec H2S 1L1 (438) 936-1236 |
MNBAQ Shop179 Grande Allée W Quebec (Quebec) G1R 2H1 (418) 643-2150 |
Boutique Josephine150 Wellington st N Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5C5 (819) 823-0505 |
Pictus goods1561 Dupont st Toronto, ON, M6P 3S5 (647) 232-5339 |
Imelda123 Roncesvalles Ave Toronto, ON M6R 2K9 (647) 344-1006 |
Our studio in image